Wednesday, January 25, 2012

India: Transitioning to a developed economy?

India is a developing country or in fashionable parlance, an emerging economy.  But how long before we transform in to a developed nation and how do we get there.  I don’t believe that anyone, including India’s lawmakers, can answer this question with certainty because the elements that can enable this transformation are scarce, if not completely absent. There are many indicators that aid in tangible development of a country and some key ones are listed below.  I will cover each of these parameters in separate blogs.
1.     Quality of Life: The indicators that define quality of life are the value assigned to a life, the state of the environment, safety and security, economic well-being, and dignity of labour. 
2.     Education: This measure is defined by the ability of a country to provide quality education that is accessible and free of cost to all citizens until the completion of high school.
3.     Population: A large population can be a boon for the market opportunities that it creates for the economy.  But the limited availability of natural resources necessitates the need to maintain population at optimum levels to ensure that benefits are growth are equitably distributed.
4.     Industry: In order to develop, a country must provide relevant infrastructure to develop and nurture the manufacturing and service sectors.
5.     Business Environment: There should a well-defined, transparent, professional business environment to enable legal reform, provide timely justice, and promote new investments.

1 comment:

  1. I will wait for rest of your blogs, esp the one on Education
